I write because I can’t sleep.

Sometimes I can't get things off my mind and they keep me up at night. Here are some things I've wanted to stop thinking about....

The Art of Being Lost

By Paul Thomas Zenki

The cicadas are four years early. They were supposed to emerge from their underground burrows in 2021, but the seventeen-year cicadas — or some of them anyway — have gotten itchy and decided 2017 is close enough for rock and roll. Entomologists have no idea why this generation has decided to buck the system, but […]

Eclipse Dawn

By Paul Thomas Zenki

A short film of the final moments of totality during the full solar eclipse of August 2017, in front of a farmhouse near Clarkesville, GA.

Canal Convergence, Scottsdale, AZ, 2017

By Paul Thomas Zenki

Just some photos from a recent trip to Scottsdale, AZ, during the Canal Convergence art festival…

Information Is Making Fools Of Us All

By Paul Thomas Zenki

Perhaps you’ve heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? If not, here it is in a nutshell…. People who only know a little about something tend to overestimate their understanding of it, while experts tend to underestimate their own expertise. That may seem strange at first glance, but when you stop and think, it makes sense. When […]

We’re All Just Turtles On A Beach

By Paul Thomas Zenki

I like taking vacations alone. In fact, I like places where there’s no internet, no TV, sometimes even no cell phone connections. Few years back, I was spending just such a solo trip on Andros Island in the Bahamas — which is about the size of the state of Delaware and has roughly the population […]

Lawmakers In Georgia Say Casinos Aren’t Casinos

By Paul Thomas Zenki

“The whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought.” – Syme, in 1984 by George Orwell Right now, the General Assembly in Atlanta is considering legislation (SB 79 and HB158) to allow casinos in the State of Georgia. In case you’ve never heard of a casino, here is the definition by Merriam-Webster: […]

The Restoration Of Common Things

By Paul Thomas Zenki

To love an old chair is to love many people, to adore the sweat of their arms and the comfort of their bowed backs.

Mid-March: Late Frost Among The Fruit Trees

By Paul Thomas Zenki

A yellow bus rolls the rutted road, slowing down to the opened gate. From its folded door steps a boy with an old Army bag on his shoulder. It is full of books, and his collar hangs askew.

Like It Or Not, You’re Always Living In The Past

By Paul Thomas Zenki

What’s happening right now? I mean right this split second. Sorry, but whatever you answered, it’s wrong. How do I know? Because it’s impossible for our conscious minds to know what is happening right now. The reason for this is simple, and irrefutable. And the implications, for most people, are truly shocking.

How To Stop The Hiccups — For Real

By Paul Thomas Zenki

I know, I know, you’ve heard them all before. All those home remedies for hiccups. Hold your breath. Drink an entire glass of water. Eat a spoonful of sugar. Breathe into a paper bag. Get someone to scare you. None of that really works. Well, maybe once in a while, but not consistently. There is […]